Georgia Personal Injury Blog

Costs of Rehabilitation for Traumatic Brain Injury Victims

By Butler Prather LLP on February 5, 2024

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) causes physical, emotional, cognitive, and psychological damage. These injuries have a traumatic impact on TBI victims and their families. In many cases, people who suffer TBI require a lifetime of medical treatment and assisted living care. These expenses are substantial. For a TBI patient, the lifetime cost of treatment is estimated to be between $85,000 and $3 million.

Posted in: Brain Injury

Burn Injury Rehabilitation and Its Impact on Legal Cases

By Butler Prather LLP on January 30, 2024

Burn injuries cause devastating physical and emotional damage. The recovery process is slow, painful, and difficult. Burn victims are likely to suffer devastating physical disability and disfigurement that could change your life forever. It’s crucial for victims to receive comprehensive burn care that addresses all of their symptoms, giving them the best opportunity to enjoy a healthy and fulfilling life.

Posted in: Burn Injury

Common Types of Products in Defective Product Injury Cases

By Butler Prather LLP on January 20, 2024

In a recent year, over 12.7 million people received emergency room treatment due to injuries caused by defective products. Manufacturers have a responsibility to make sure products are safe before releasing them to the public. Dangerous products must be recalled by the manufacturer as soon as they become aware of a defect.

Posted in: Defective Products

Why Do Falls Happen So Often on Construction Sites?

By Butler Prather LLP on January 10, 2024

If you’re a construction worker, you can feel proud about the work you do. Every building you see was made by construction workers, and this country could not exist without you.

What Is a Tractor Trailer’s So-Called “Black Box”?

By Butler Prather LLP on January 5, 2024

Whenever an airplane crashes, you will hear reports in the media about efforts to recover the plane’s flight recorder, which is commonly referred to as the “black box.” A flight recorder contains crucial information about how the plane was operating at the time of the crash, and investigators use the flight recorder data to help determine what caused the crash.

Posted in: Truck Accidents

Signs You May Have Been the Victim of Negligent Security

By Butler Prather LLP on December 29, 2023

Businesses are always trying to save money, but when they skimp on security, the results can be tragic. Poorly lit parking garages, unlocked gates, the lack of qualified security personnel, and other lapses in security create circumstances where people get seriously injured.

Posted in: Premises Liability

Butler Prather LLP Supports Clark’s Christmas Kids

By Butler Prather LLP on December 21, 2023

At Butler Prather LLP, we are grateful for the success we’ve achieved fighting for injured people and their loved ones. During the holiday season, we are reflecting on the things in life that are truly important – faith, family, friends, and community. In this season of giving, we are thankful for the opportunity to share with others and are proud to make a significant contribution to Clark’s Christmas Kids.

Posted in: Firm News

5 Steps To Take as You Prepare To Become a Whistleblower

By Butler Prather LLP on December 14, 2023

If you have evidence that someone is breaking the law, stealing from the government, or grossly misusing public funds, you will want to contact an attorney right away. Your lawyer will advise you about the best course of action moving forward.

What Role Does a Driver’s Age Play in Car Accident Risk?

By Ramsey Prather on November 20, 2023

A driver’s age may impact their ability to drive safely. There are a number of factors that increase driving hazards for teenage drivers and drivers who are 65 and older. In Georgia, there are restrictions on teen drivers, and all drivers are required to have their vision tested when they renew a driver’s license to help keep everyone safe on the road.

Posted in: Car Accidents

How Insurance Companies Try To Hurt Personal Injury Claims

By Ramsey Prather on November 10, 2023

Insurance is a form of risk management. When a person purchases insurance, the insurance company agrees to cover the cost of damages that result from fires, automobile crashes, and other types of accidents. If you suffer an unfortunate event that’s covered by an insurance policy, you have the right to file a claim to collect the money that the insurance company has agreed to pay in these situations.

Posted in: Personal Injury

I was in a complex premises liability case involving a multinational corporations. Mr. Butler & his associates were always three steps ahead of these defendants. When they say they are "exceptional trial lawyers," this is not just a slogan but it is a way of life.”
- Zack Hendon