blog home Car Accidents Should I Get a Dash Cam?

Should I Get a Dash Cam?

By Butler Prather LLP on October 22, 2019

Have you ever seen someone driving recklessly in front of you? If so, you may have thought, “I wish I had a way to record this and show it to the police.” Many people have taken a step to protect themselves on the roadway by purchasing a dash camera. If you are not quite sure what a dash cam is or what it does, we want to take a minute to give a brief overview for you.

Should I get a dash cam?

Benefits of having a dash cam

There are several benefits to having a dash cam in the vehicle:

  • If you are ever struck by another driver, your dash cam is your witness to the crash. Video footage with timestamps can show your actions as well as the actions of those around you leading up to the crash.
  • The footage can be useful for an insurance adjuster or your attorney to use in a claim.
  • Dash cams featuring GPS features can also track your location and speed, more evidence that can be used to help your case.
  • Your dash cam can also be used as an additional layer of protection when the vehicle is off and the camera is running.
  • A dash cam can even make you more aware of your driving habits, perhaps turning you into a more careful and alert driver.

Negatives to having a dash cam

There are also some negative factors to consider:

  • The dash cam footage could show you were at fault or partially at fault in a crash.
  • If you are the at-fault driver in the incident, the dash cam footage could be used against you by the other parties involved, their insurance company, or their attorney.
  • The position of the dash cam could be distracting for you while driving.
  • You could be tempted to take your eyes off the roadway to watch what the dash cam is recording or you try to reposition it while driving.
  • Most dash cams only offer a limited range of view facing one direction. Usually, these cams just record what is happening in front of the vehicle.

How much do dash cams cost?

Dash cams range in price. Some can cost as little as $30, while others can run up to $300 or more. Do your research before making a purchase choice. Keep in mind any installation costs associated with the dash cam. Some are wired directly to the vehicle and require professional installation while others plug into the power outlet in the vehicle and do not require installation.

Are dash cams legal in Georgia?

The legality of dash cams has often come into question. When we turn to the Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, we can see that there are strict “hands-free” laws on the books, many of them taking effect on July 1, 2018. In the law, you will see that drivers cannot use their phones or electronic devices to record video when they are on the road. However, the law makes it clear that continuously running dash cams are allowed under the law.

Yes, dash cams are legal, but you need to make sure they are turned on before you start driving and that you do not mess with the camera until you are parked. Set it and forget it and drive safely.

Posted in: Car Accidents

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