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Columbus Car Wreck Lawyers

Car Accident Lawyers in Columbus, GA, Who Win Big Cases

An automobile accident is a traumatic event that will change your life in an instant. Even when you’re being careful and following all the rules, you could be seriously harmed by somebody’s careless mistake.

You may not know where to turn for help, and that’s not a good place to be. Everyone involved in the accident has their own interests and agendas. You don’t want to say anything to other drivers, their employers, or the insurance companies that could harm your Columbus car accident claim. The best thing to do is exchange your contact information and get in touch with a Georgia car accident attorney as soon as possible.

At Butler Prather LLP, we’ve been helping accident victims in Columbus and across the nation for over 35 years. Our firm has won hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for clients in over 30 states. We’ve won nine verdicts exceeding $100 million and over 60 verdicts and settlements of over $10 million.

You won’t find better personal injury attorneys anywhere, and our team won’t back down from anybody. Butler Prather LLP has come out on top in landmark cases against large automobile manufacturers and other powerful interests.

Contact Butler Prather LLP to schedule a complimentary consultation today by calling (706) 322-1990.

What Causes Car Wrecks?

The overwhelming majority of Columbus car accidents are caused by somebody’s negligent or selfish behavior. It could be an impatient trucker who failed to make sure the lane was empty before merging, an intoxicated driver who ran a red light, or a delivery company trying to increase their profits by pressuring drivers to go way too fast.

Frequent causes of automobile accidents include:

  • DUI. Drivers impaired by drugs and alcohol endanger the lives of everyone around them. The first thing to be altered by drinking is the driver’s judgment, and that’s why people must make arrangements to prevent drunk driving before heading out for a night on the town. Companies that employ drivers must require them to submit their DMV readouts on a regular basis to make sure none of their employees have been cited for driving while intoxicated.
  • Speeding. Posted speed limits are created by traffic engineers who understand how fast drivers should be traveling in every situation. When drivers exceed these limits, they dramatically increase the probability that a crash will occur, and injuries that result will be far more harmful.
  • Distracted driving. It only takes a moment of inattention to cause a deadly crash. Eating, talking, changing the radio, or reaching for an object inside the cabin can all cause a driver to become distracted, and this may prevent them from reacting to a change in traffic conditions quickly enough to avoid a crash. Georgia and several other states prohibit drivers from using handheld devices for talking or texting while driving.
  • Ignoring traffic rules. Running a traffic light, ignoring stop signs, crossing a double line to pass another driver, or making an illegal turn are all examples of dangerous actions that cause crashes. You can’t be expected to anticipate a driver’s actions when they do things that are illegal.
  • Roadway hazards such as potholes, sudden drop-offs, construction equipment left along the highway, poorly graded roads, and obscured or missing traffic signs can all force a driver to lose control of their vehicle.
  • Inclement weather. Regardless of the posted speed limit, drivers are required to slow down in rainy, foggy, icy, or snowy conditions.
  • Left-turn collisions are among the deadliest types of accidents. They are particularly hazardous for bicyclists, motorcycle riders, and pedestrians, who are completely vulnerable when a driver fails to make sure the coast is clear before making a left turn.
  • Sudden lane changes and merges don’t give other drivers enough time to react safely. It’s essential to signal all lane changes in advance and only make a change when you are certain that the lane is unoccupied.

How Your Columbus Car Wreck Attorney Can Help

When an accident happens, the people who caused it will try to avoid responsibility for their actions and minimize the extent of the injuries they caused. Large organizations that employ professional drivers, such as trucking, delivery, and rideshare companies, will do everything they can to muddy the waters and make it more difficult for you to collect a claim.

At Butler Prather LLP, we aren’t intimidated by anybody and have the resources to go after any party responsible for your injuries. Our investigators will review police reports, medical records, surveillance camera footage, and physical evidence to get a clear picture of how you were harmed. We will also interview witnesses and seek expert testimony to support your claim.

Butler Prather LLP will negotiate on your behalf, and if the other side refuses to make a reasonable offer, our experienced Columbus car accident attorneys are always prepared to argue your case in front of a jury. Our firm has won substantial verdicts for our clients that include the following types of damages:

  • Medical bills
  • Emergency room treatment
  • Reduced earning capacity
  • Loss of consortium
  • Disfigurement
  • Surgery
  • Pain and suffering
  • Ambulance transport
  • Doctor’s office visits
  • At-home nursing care
  • Wheelchair ramps for your home
  • Time missed from work
  • Rehabilitation and physical therapy
  • Wrongful death

Injuries Caused by Car Wrecks

Columbus automobile accidents cause devastating injuries. Some injuries, such as whiplash, can lead to debilitating pain that seriously diminishes your quality of life. Brain injuries, paralysis, and other severe injuries will prevent you from returning to work and resuming your normal daily activities.

Car accident injuries that will significantly harm your quality of life include:

  • Whiplash
  • Concussion
  • Severe burns
  • Head injuries
  • Amputation
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Fractured bones
  • Internal bleeding
  • Spinal cord injuries

Were You Injured by a Careless Driver?

When things go wrong, it’s important to know that there’s someone in your corner who will fight for you no matter what. At Butler Prather LLP, we understand that you’re going through a difficult time after a Columbus car crash, and everyone in our office is compassionate and happy to listen. We treat all our clients with the utmost respect and are always available to address any of your questions or concerns.

The person who harmed you should have to pay for it, and we’ve been making that happen for over three decades. Our Columbus personal injury attorneys have helped thousands of people get the resources they need to recover and care for their families after an accident.

Reach out to us at (706) 322-1990 to learn more today.

Additional Information

I was in a complex premises liability case involving a multinational corporations. Mr. Butler & his associates were always three steps ahead of these defendants. When they say they are "exceptional trial lawyers," this is not just a slogan but it is a way of life.”
- Zack Hendon