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Auto Product Liability

Determining liability in the age of driverless cars

By Butler Prather LLP on February 24, 2016

While the technology needed to make driverless cars a common occurrence on the nation’s roads is still a few years off, many Georgia drivers have questions pertaining to liability in…

Takata recalls highlight seriousness of vehicle defects

By Butler Prather LLP on February 11, 2016

Air bags are an essential safety feature intended to decrease the damaging effects of collisions. But what happens when these components malfunction? Drivers in Georgia and all over the world…

What does strict liability mean for auto defects in Georgia?

By Butler Prather LLP on January 27, 2016

Many personal injury lawsuits require plaintiffs to demonstrate that the defendant was somehow negligent. For example, a car accident lawsuit may have to prove that the defendant was speeding or…

What does “crashworthiness” mean in relation to vehicles?

By Butler Prather LLP on January 8, 2016

If you have ever been in a car accident, you know that you and any other passengers present are exposed to rapid movements associated with accelerations, decelerations and swerving. Vehicles…

Notifying Car Owners Of Potentially Deadly Auto Defects

By Butler Prather LLP on April 21, 2014

Technical service bulletins are a way for auto manufacturers to inform dealerships and service departments about minor issues that might require repair in their vehicles. They are also used to…

I was in a complex premises liability case involving a multinational corporations. Mr. Butler & his associates were always three steps ahead of these defendants. When they say they are "exceptional trial lawyers," this is not just a slogan but it is a way of life.”
- Zack Hendon