Personal Injury
How Insurance Companies Try To Hurt Personal Injury Claims
Insurance is a form of risk management. When a person purchases insurance, the insurance company agrees to cover the cost of damages that result from fires, automobile crashes, and other types of accidents. If you suffer an unfortunate event that’s covered by an insurance policy, you have the right to file a claim to collect the money that the insurance company has agreed to pay in these situations.
What Does Contingency Fee Really Mean?
If you suffer catastrophic injuries caused by an accident, it’s almost impossible to get fair compensation from the insurance company unless you have an experienced Georgia personal injury lawyer who’s ready to fight for you. When you don’t have the right legal representation, the other side won’t take you seriously.
An Accident by Any Name Is Still Somebody’s Fault
When it comes to the law, the word accident means an occurrence that results in injury. According to this precise legal definition, the person who causes an accident is legally liable for any injuries that result. The common everyday definition of the word accident means an undesirable or unfortunate occurrence that may cause harm but happens unintentionally. But if someone unintentionally crashes into you because they were texting while driving, they are still legally responsible for the harm they cause.
How to Choose a Personal Injury Lawyer in Georgia
If you or a loved one has suffered catastrophic injuries, it’s important to find the right Georgia personal injury attorney to represent you. You are probably facing serious physical impairment or permanent disability as a result of the accident. Victims of catastrophic injuries may require extensive treatment, therapy, and assisted living care. You may not be able to return to your job and perform the day-to-day activities you enjoyed before the accident.
The Role of Expert Witnesses in Personal Injury Trials
If you were harmed in an accident, your Columbus personal injury attorney will file a claim or a lawsuit seeking damages against anyone whose negligent behavior contributed to your injuries. If your case goes to trial, your personal injury lawyer will demonstrate how your injuries were caused by somebody’s careless actions.
Can You Sue for Paralysis in Atlanta?
There are times when individuals sustain severe injuries that lead to various levels of paralysis. In the event these injuries are caused by the careless or negligent actions of another individual or entity, the injury victim may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit in order to recover compensation for their losses. Here, we want to examine what it means for a paralysis case to become a viable Atlanta personal injury claim against another party. How Did The Injury Occur? Paralysis can occur in a variety of ways. Some of the most common causes of paralysis include spinal cord…
Georgia Personal Injury Laws You Should Know
Individuals who sustain an injury caused by the negligent actions of another individual or entity should be able to recover compensation for their losses. This is typically done either through a settlement with an insurance carrier or as a result of a civil personal injury lawsuit against the party. However, there are various important personal injury laws in Georgia that you need to know if you are considering a claim against another party. Georgia Personal Injury Statute of Limitations When we turn to Georgia Code section 9-3-33, we can see that the Georgia personal injury statute of limitations is two…
How Can I File a Personal Injury Claim in Georgia?
When a person sustains an injury caused by the negligent actions of another individual, company, or entity, they should be able to recover compensation for their losses. However, most people do not file personal injury claims on a regular basis, so the process can be confusing. Here, we want to outline the basic steps for filing a personal injury lawsuit in the state of Georgia. Consider Speaking to an Attorney Personal injury claims are challenging, particularly for those with limited legal knowledge or experience. It is not uncommon for injury victims to become overwhelmed by aggressive insurance carriers or legal…
Georgia Stand Your Ground Law
The news is flooded with information and stories about guns and self-defense, but it is important to understand what Georgia law actually says about defending yourself. Here, we want to discuss the Georgia “Stand Your Ground” law that was put into place by state legislators to give citizens the right to protect themselves and their property. The Law Allows Individuals to Protect Themselves When we examine Georgia’s Stand Your Ground Law (O.C.G.A. § 16-3-23.1), we see the language directly states that “A person who uses threats or force relating to the use of force in defense of self, others, habitation,…
Georgia Good Samaritan Laws
The Good Samaritan laws in Georgia help protect individuals who provide emergency care and aid to those who have been injured in an accident. If you or someone you know has been involved in a serious accident, our Atlanta personal injury attorneys can help answer your questions for how to pursue compensation. Here, we want to discuss why Good Samaritan laws are in place in Georgia and elsewhere throughout the country. Specifically, we want to examine when these laws apply to individuals. How the Good Samaritan Law Works in Georgia When an emergency happens in an unexpected place, assistance given…