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We Are Trial Lawyers

By Butler Prather LLP on May 20, 2017

Aren’t all injury cases settled out of court?


While it’s true that the vast majority of U.S. motor vehicle accident injury cases are settled without trial, there are important exceptions:

  • When injuries are catastrophic or fatal
  • When multiple injuries occur
  • When claims are for substantial sums of money

Most firms focus on quick over-the-phone settlements. At Butler Prather LLP, we focus on the complex cases, including nationwide cases involving defective automotive parts.

Because: we are trial lawyers. First and foremost. That is our heart, our core competency.

Most people don’t realize that there are personal injury lawyers that have been practicing for many years – but they have never set foot in a courtroom.

Why? Trials are public, and results are part of the public record. The insurance companies’ lawyers are talented and well-paid. There is always the possibility of the whole world watching you lose.

We have won nine verdicts of over 100 million. We have won verdicts of over $10 million of any Georgia firm. We have litigated in 31 states, plus Georgia. Our presence in Georgia is broad, encompassing almost every county. We won the biggest tort verdict our state has ever seen.

We don’t always go to trial, of course. But our track record for successful litigation leads many opponents to offer our clients attractive settlement terms.

When injuries are very serious, and the need for maximum compensation is great, Georgians and people around the nation look to Butler Wooten & Peak.

I was in a complex premises liability case involving a multinational corporations. Mr. Butler & his associates were always three steps ahead of these defendants. When they say they are "exceptional trial lawyers," this is not just a slogan but it is a way of life.”
- Zack Hendon