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Truck Accidents

What Happens if a Truck Company Erases a Driver’s Tracking Data After an Accident?

By Butler Prather LLP on August 29, 2022

There are various types of evidence that could be gathered and used in the aftermath of a truck accident to help prove liability for the incident. Some of this evidence revolves around the truck’s “black box” and GPS data. GPS systems are fairly common on larger commercial trucks these days, and they are often requested as part of an investigation into a truck accident. But what happens if the truck company erases the black box or GPS data before the investigation can begin? Spoliation of Evidence Related to the Crash One of the first things that an attorney will do…

Posted in: Truck Accidents

What is an Overloaded Truck Accident?

By Butler Prather LLP on August 24, 2022

Large commercial vehicles on the roadway operate under strict federal and state guidelines. Many of these guidelines surround the weight limits of the vehicles, including how much load semi-trucks can carry at a time. Anytime a vehicle is overloaded beyond its weight capacity, this significantly increases the chance of an accident occurring. Accidents involving commercial trucks often lead to major injuries and property damage on the roadways of Georgia. Commercial Trucking Weight Limits When we examine information available from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), we can see that there are various weight limits for commercial trucks on the…

Posted in: Truck Accidents

Can I Seek Compensation if Injured by Cargo on Georgia Highways?

By Butler Prather LLP on August 10, 2022

Trucking carriers are responsible for ensuring that all cargo on their vehicles and trailers is adequately secured. Failing to do so could lead to the cargo coming loose and falling off of the truck and onto the roadway. Cargo accidents can lead to significant injuries or property damage for those on Georgia roadways. It is important to understand whether or not individuals can seek compensation from the trucking company if they are injured by unsecured cargo on Georgia highways. Types of Cargo That Can Cause an Accident Any type of object that falls off of another vehicle could present a…

Posted in: Truck Accidents

Is It Illegal to Ride in the Back of a Truck in Georgia?

By Butler Prather LLP on August 9, 2022

Riding in the back of a pickup truck is something that many people do not think twice about. After all, this type of behavior is seen on TV shows, in movies, and in music videos with regularity. However, many people may not understand that there are laws in Georgia that regulate this type of behavior. Just because riding in the back of a truck is fun and convenient, that does not mean it is safe. Riding in the back of a pickup truck can lead to serious injuries. Here, we want to discuss what Georgia law says about this and…

Posted in: Truck Accidents

Does Georgia Permit Direct Actions Against a Trucking Company’s Insurance Carrier?

By Butler Prather LLP on August 8, 2022

After any accident involving a commercial truck that leads to injuries or property damage, victims need to be able to recover compensation for their losses. In many cases, these claims will be settled with insurance carriers, but there may need to be a civil lawsuit filed against various parties. In most cases, the lawsuit will be filed against the truck driver and trucking carrier, and their insurance carrier will be the one to put up the defense and payout compensation if warranted. However, Georgia law does permit individuals to file lawsuits directly against the trucking company’s insurance carrier. Can You…

Posted in: Truck Accidents

Can a Truck Accident Victim Sue for Lost Profits, Punitive Damages, and Bad Faith Attorney’s Fees?

By Butler Prather LLP on July 6, 2022

There are various types of compensation that individuals may be able to recover if they sustain an injury or property damage as a result of the negligence of a truck driver or trucking company in Georgia. It is crucial for crash victims to be made as “whole” as possible in the aftermath of these situations. Here, we want to discuss whether or not you can recover compensation for lost wages, exemplary damages, and bad faith attorney’s fees. Suing for Lost Wages After a vehicle versus truck accident, it is not uncommon for victims to have to take time away from…

Posted in: Truck Accidents

Summer Truck Tire Blowouts

By Butler Prather LLP on May 2, 2022

Large commercial trucks are crucial for the Georgia economy, but they must also be regularly inspected and maintained in order to ensure safety. It is not uncommon to see large truck tires on the side of the highways throughout the state, and these tires can lead to significant accidents and injuries. Here, we want to explore why truck tire blowouts are more likely to occur during the summer months as well as who could be held liable if a person sustains an injury or property damage as a result of a tire blowout. Tire Blowouts Can Lead to Severe Injuries…

Posted in: Truck Accidents

What is MCS-90 in a Truck Accident?

By Butler Prather LLP on November 30, 2021

Accidents involving larger commercial trucks often result in devastating injuries for those involved. However, commercial truckers are required to carry additional types of insurance above and beyond what is required of traditional motorists. This includes commercial insurance policies as well as an MSC-90 endorsement. An MSC-90 endorsement is an amendment to a truck driver’s auto insurance policy that guarantees a minimum amount of compensation to those injured in an accident caused by a trucking company or the truck driver. Here, we want to examine how an MSC-90 endorsement could impact your truck collision claim. Explaining the MSC-90 Individuals who have…

Posted in: Truck Accidents

Georgia Truck Accident FAQ

By Butler Prather LLP on July 4, 2021

Truck accidents often lead to devastating injuries for those involved, particularly those riding in traditional passenger vehicles. When these crashes occur, it may be necessary for those involved to seek assistance from a skilled and experienced truck accident attorney to help them recover the compensation they need. Here, we want to take some time and discuss the most commonly asked questions that truck accident victims have in the aftermath of these incidents. Not every question victims may have can probably be answered on a single page, and we strongly encourage you to reach out to an attorney for assistance as…

Posted in: Truck Accidents

What to Do When a Truck’s Cargo Caused an Accident

By Butler Prather LLP on May 10, 2021

When you are on the roadway traveling next to a large commercial truck, the last thing you need to worry about is cargo flying off and causing an accident. Unfortunately, these incidents do occur. The challenging part of these accidents comes with determining liability. Who is responsible for an accident caused by unsecured cargo? It is incredibly important for any person who sustained injuries or property damage in these types of incidents to recover the compensation they are entitled to. How do These Accidents Occur? There are various ways that accidents can occur due to unsecured cargo in the back…

Posted in: Truck Accidents

I was in a complex premises liability case involving a multinational corporations. Mr. Butler & his associates were always three steps ahead of these defendants. When they say they are "exceptional trial lawyers," this is not just a slogan but it is a way of life.”
- Zack Hendon